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Avda. Catalunya, 53B. 08190 cerdanyola del Vallès. Tel 93 691 99 00. Fax 93 580 80 80
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advisers of companies

The accounting is the indispensable means of obtaining the information it bases and necessary with legal ends and interns for a correct effective managerial administration. The use of this countable information should not be exclusively with tributary and mercantile ends, this debit side to extend to the areas of economic studies, financial and control of the flows and movements of the treasury through the extracts of clients' bills, suppliers, banks, etc... likewise given more up-to-date to the manager for the taking of decisions. We offer him different forms of taking their accounting depending on the structure and knowledge of their executive staff:

1.- Executive staff without countable knowledge.
The documents count them you same in their computer and by means of our accounting program and billing. The advantages to highlight of this program are that without countable knowledge they can count the seats and to emit their own invoices with their anagram passing the same ones automatically to accounting. No document leaves its company. We move and we use the necessary time until it works the system correctly. We guarantee him that monthly will obtain information on the march of their company. It can list all the countable listings that believes convenient.

2.- Without executive staff.
We pass to pick up the whole relative documentation periodically to the activity and ourselves processes it in our facilities.
According to their necessities it can opt for one of the two systems:

a) we remit Him the files with the procedural seats, it upgrades them in their program and he/she has the whole information in their computer being able to list all the countable listings that he/she needs equally.
b) The alone information uses it with tributary and mercantile ends.

3.- Qualified executive staff and own computer programs.
We offer him one of these modalities:

a) to Have our support by means of periodic visits, in those that were the doubts and incidences that are produced, carrying out the monthly closing and informing on the situation of the company.
b) to Receive countable advice on consultations that you/they carry out.

In all the cases we carry out him the monthly countable closing or yearly.
The whole information and the files are remitted via Internet or disk.
This area this managed one for economists that take the responsibility of the pursuit, study and analysis of the agreement accounting with their team and adjusted to the Code of Trade and other Mercantile norms, advising and solving all the consultations as well as the closings and periodic countable audits (monthly and/or annual).